eyes + more

Established in 2005 in the Netherlands eyes + more is based in Hamburg since 2006. The eyewear chain has 283 stores in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium and Sweden where customers can immerse themselves in the world of eyes + more. The brand relies on a transparent concept: all-inclusive glasses at a fixed price. eyes + more turns glasses into a fashion statement. All frames are designed and produced in-house, with monthly fashion collections and fashion collaborations. As the fastest growing company in the optical industry, eyes + more successfully focuses on fashion, great design, high quality and of course excellent service. With the claim ‘Believe your eyes’ and the fresh corporate design, eyes + more celebrates eyeglasses and makes them a statement of individuality.

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de.finance.yahoo.com Optikerkette Eyes and More plant 150 neue Filialen bis 2029
Optikerkette Eyes and More plant 150 neue Filialen bis 2029
www.ewintelligence.com Article published on www.ewintelligence.com
Article published on www.ewintelligence.com
www.eyeline-magazine.nl Nexeye introduceert circulaire eyewear - Eyeline Magazine
Nexeye introduceert circulaire eyewear - Eyeline Magazine
retailtrends.nl Eyes + more breidt aanbod uit met designermerken - RetailTrends
Eyes + more breidt aanbod uit met designermerken - RetailTrends
fd.nl Moederbedrijf Hans Anders keert miljoenendividend uit nu coronacrisis voorbij is
Moederbedrijf Hans Anders keert miljoenendividend uit nu coronacrisis voorbij is

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